Appraisal of Integrated Horticulture Development
Evaluation of status of horticulture development, horticulture
processing, storage, marketing and project implementation.
Integrated Horticulture Projects in different states
Preparation of project reports for increasing area under
horticultural crops,adopting improved package of practices,
developing marketing and processing facilities, setting up of
marketing societies and institution building.
Floriculture Development
Prepration of projects for increasing the area under floriculture
production and making suggestions for developing forward linkages
required for the purpose.
Master Plans for Horticulture Development
Plans prepared included fruits, flowers, vegetables and spices
production, irrigation and land development, post-harvest
handling including makreting and transportation, storage and
processing, financial analysis and credit components with a view
to increasing horticultural production.
Plantation projects for development of Red Oil Palm,
Tea, Eucalyptus, Cocoa, Rubber, Cashew,Spices, etc.
Project prepation including selection of land and development of
farms,adoption of rejuvenation techniques, recommendations
relating to infrastructure and supporting facilties,
rehabiliation of degraded forests,etc.
Techno-Economic Evaluation of Teak Plantgations
Techno-economic evaluation of teak plantation programmes in Tamil