Intensive Development and Business Plan for Commercial
Bank Branch
Preparation of bankable schemes and identification of
beneficiaries for bank assistance.
Role and Effectiveness of Lending Institutions -
National Bank Study II
Making a review of the role and effectiveness of lending
institutions and making recommendations for appropriate changes
in order to evolve a sound and viable credit system to help rural
Crop Loan Study for National Bank
Making a review of the existing systems and procedures of
providing crop loans by commercial banks, RRBs and Co-operative
banks and making suitable suggestions for their modifications.
Indepth Study of Overdues under ISB sector or IRD
Examination of implementation aspects of IRDP (ISB Activities),
repayment performance of the beneficiaires and suggesting steps
for minimising overdues under ISB activities.
Comprehensive Study of Co-operative Credit Structure in
Evaluation of the exisitng credit structure to find out its
weaknesses, if any, and making suggestions for an effective and
viable structure.
Integrated Co-operative Development Projects
Preparation of Integrated projects covering agriculture and
allied sectors, rural and household industries, banking and
co-operatives, IRDP and other development programmes.
Study on Organisational set-up and Starting Pattern of
District Central Co-operation Banks and Primary Land Development
Pilot study to evolve some models of organisational design and
staffing pattern for co-operative banks of all tiers of
co-operative credit structure for rural credit delivery system in
the country.